Q1 2023 service milestones - RJV


Q1 2023 service milestones

31 March, 2023

Congratulations to all employees who reached service anniversary milestones this quarter.

We welcomed another addition to our 20-year honour board, Helen Lynn (HSEQ systems coordinator) who has now reached 20 years with RJV! Starting with us in a receptionist role, Helen proved herself to be capable and efficient, later moving into the project team as an engineer’s assistant. From there she progressed into a QSE coordinator role before landing her current role as HSEQ systems coordinator. All of her hard work throughout the years comes greatly appreciated. 

Kohl Yates (light vehicle workshop supervisor), Kaz Bak (plant operator), and Tiku Hirani (payroll officer) all celebrated 10 years with RJV these past few months. 

Tiku and Kaz have shown great skill and commitment in their roles. Since joining RJV, Tiku has become an integral part of our payroll team, her commitment and diligence inspiring the office. While Kaz continues to be a productive plant operator at our Eden Beach site. 

Kohl is a great example of moving up within the company. Originally starting with us as a LV mechanic, his skill, knowledge and capability has seen him progress to workshop supervisor. Today he oversees maintenance for 140+ road registered assets.

Thank you all for your commitment and hard work!


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