Promoting From Within - News | RJV


Promoting from within

21 June, 2022

We have a long history of promoting from within at RJV.

Recognising, developing and nurturing the potential of our people through formal training, mentorship and support to help them realise their goals is a huge part of our values system and culture.

Paris Graham, joined us last year, initially as our front desk receptionist, and within several months moved into a new role as recruitment officer.

“When I went for my interview, I was asked about my future goals and I expressed my interest in human resources and people management,” says Paris.

“I was offered the position and worked in reception for six months. When my six months’ probation period came up, Matt Fenttiman (RJV’s People & Culture Manager) asked if I was still interested in HR and advised there was an opportunity in recruitment. This was very exciting, since I didn’t expect an opportunity that early and I was highly interested, accepting the position straight away!”

Paris has shown amazing enthusiasm and has been working tirelessly to fill vacancies across the business. She has been supported with a a variety of on-the-job training and will soon commence her Cert IV in HR.

Donna Read also began on the front desk as a temp before accepting a permanent position with in March. She has now been promoted to a role in document control.

“I commenced in March of this year with the intention of moving internally once something popped up,” says Donna.

“I was stoked when Matt approached me a couple of weeks ago about the document control position!”

Donna will receive internal training to help her succeed in her new role.

Congratulations to both Paris and Donna as they progress their career paths.


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