RJV Wins City of Wanneroo Projects - News | RJV


Marmion Avenue and Pinjar Road duplications for the City of Wanneroo

5 August, 2019

RJV values its long standing working relationship with the City of Wanneroo, and we are currently working on two major road duplication jobs for the City. 

The Marmion Avenue duplication from Alkimos Beach through to Yanchep is a large scale metropolitan road project, ultimately providing greater connectivity through the northern metropolitan coastal corridor. RJV will deliver 12 kilometres of new road and drainage which will service this fast growing area and interface with both existing and new residential developments. Works are programmed for completion in April 2020. 

RJV are also carrying out works on the Pinjar Road duplication between Edwards Street and Joondalup Drive in the City of Wanneroo. Working around existing overhead power and in close proximity to existing residents, RJV are adopting a range of non-intrusive working methods to deliver this 3 kilometre section of road with minimal impact to local residents and business operators. Works are programmed for completion in December 2019. 

We value our long relationship with the City of Wanneroo, and look forward to successfully delivering these road projects on behalf of the City.


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