RJV engages ESG consultancy Adaptus - RJV


RJV engages ESG consultancy Adaptus

28 November, 2022

We are pleased to advise that as part of our ongoing commitment to improving our position on ESG, we have engaged boutique ESG and climate change advisory firm Adaptus to support us in decarbonising our operations. Adaptus will work closely with us to:

  • Establish our GHG emissions baseline for scope 1 and 2 emissions to provide us with an understanding of our current GHG emissions footprint
  • Identify potential GHG emissions reduction opportunities and quantify their potential benefits
  • Develop a roadmap of prioritised actions comprising practical steps we will take across energy use, fuel consumption and renewable energy use to reduce our operating emissions

This work will also inform an update of the targets we have set in our sustainability strategy.

We are excited to take this next step in our sustainability journey and look forward to reporting on our progress.


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