Privacy Policy - RJV

Privacy Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of this privacy policy is to protect the privacy of personal information handled by RJV and to ensure that RJV complies with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles.

The Privacy Act defines ‘personal information’ as“Information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:

a.) Whether the information or opinion is true or not; and

b.) Whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.”

2. Policy

Protecting individual privacy is very important to RJV. We are committed to protecting and maintaining the privacy of all personal information handled by RJV.

6.1 Personal information that RJV Collects

RJV may collect and hold a range of personal information, including:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Photographic identification
  • Email address
  • Home address and other contact details
  • Emergency contact details
  • Experience and/or academic and professional qualifications
  • Third party references
  • Screening check information (including identity, employment history, eligibility to work, vocational suitability and criminal record checks)
  • Communications, dealings and transactions with RJV, including by phone, email and online
  • Medical information and records including pre-employment medical information and records
  • Performance and conduct
  • Use of RJV’s IT resources
  • Affiliations
  • Advisers
  • Financial and payment information

6.2 How RJV Collects Personal Information

RJV collects personal information you provide to us directly. In some circumstances we also collect personal information through other means including publicly available sources, your colleagues, and representatives and the third parties referred to below.

6.3 How RJV Protects Personal Information

RJV holds personal information electronically and in hard copy form, both at our own premises and with the assistance of our service providers. RJV implement a range of measures to protect the security of personal information including, depending on the circumstances, electronic access controls, premises security and network firewalls. Even though we have taken significant steps to ensure that your personal information is not intercepted, accessed, used, or disclosed by unauthorized persons, you should know that RJV cannot fully eliminate security risks associated with personal information.

6.4 Why RJV Collects and Handles Personal Information

RJV collects, holds, uses, and discloses personal information to operate our business. 

This includes:

  • Providing and improving our services
  • Understanding your needs, preferences, and interests
  • Communicating and managing our relationships with you and our other stakeholders
  • Recruiting, training, and managing staff
  • Maintaining and updating our records
  • Complying with relevant laws and responding to court orders or warrants served on us
  • Protecting and defending our rights or property and those of third parties
  • Facilitating acquisitions and potential acquisitions of our business

We may not be able to carry out these tasks and responsibilities without your personal information. For example, we may not be able to communicate with you or properly consider you for training or promotional opportunities.

6.5 Who RJV Shares Personal Information With

RJV may exchange personal information with third parties including your representatives, government agencies, and our service providers including providers of archival, auditing, accounting, customer contact, legal, business consulting, banking, payment, debt collection, delivery, data processing, data analysis, document management, information broking, research, investigation, insurance, recruitment, staffing, website, and technology services.

RJV will only use or disclose information for the purpose for which it was collected unless the person has consented, or the secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose and a person would reasonably expect such use or disclosure, or in circumstances related to public interest such as law enforcement and public or individual health and safety.

6.6 Application of Legal Requirements

RJV is subject to the Privacy Act and a range of privacy laws. Nothing in this Privacy Policy is intended to limit our obligations or permitted handling of personal information under those laws. For example, under the Privacy Act, we may rely on certain exemptions including in relation to an employee record.

Some of our collection and handling of personal information is also required or authorized by other laws, for example the Fair Work Act, Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act, Income Tax Assessment Act and other tax laws, Corporations Act, Workplace Health and Safety Act and Workers Compensation Act.

6.7 Notifiable Data Breaches

The Notifiable Data Breaches scheme under Part IIIC of the Privacy Act establishes requirements for entities to respond to data breaches. If an employee discovers or suspects that a data breach has occurred, they should immediately inform their immediate supervisor.

6.8 How To Access and Update your Personal Information

Please contact us if you would like to access or correct any personal information, RJV may hold about you. Please note that we may need to verify your identity and seek further details about your request to help us respond.

If we deny any request for access to or correction of personal information, we will let you know why.

6.9 Retention of Information

RJV will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify the personal information they hold once it is no longer needed for any purpose for which it may be used or disclosed under the APPs.25 This requirement does not apply where the personal information is contained in a ‘Commonwealth record’ or where the entity is required by law or a court/tribunal order to retain the personal information.

6.10 Direct Marketing

If RJV uses personal information to send marketing and promotional information by post, email or telephone, recipients will be provided with an opportunity to opt-out of receiving such information.

RJV will always ensure that opt-out notices are clear, conspicuous, and easy to take up.

6.11 Complaints

Please contact The People and Culture manager if you wish to make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information. Our contact details are below. We may request additional details from you regarding your concerns and may need to engage or consult with other parties to investigate and deal with your issue. We will keep records of your request any resolution.

6.12 How to Contact Us

Contact: People and Culture Manager

Phone: 9345 3999


Mail: 5 Kirke Street, Balcatta WA 6021

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