Vale at Aveley - RJV

Vale at Aveley

Vale at Aveley

2012 - 2023
City of Swan, WA, Australia
Stockland WA Pty Ltd


Bulk Earthworks – Retaining walls

Underground Services – Roadworks


On the doorstep of the Swan Valley, RJV commenced work at Vale in mid-2012 and has since completed over 90 separate works contracts for Stockland, totalling in excess of $110M and providing housing lots for over 2,500 new homes in Aveley during this time. The main area of the works has been situated on farmland predominantly used for the training of racehorses.

Prior to works commencement RJV go awarded a significant contract for the demolition and disposal of structures, both above and below ground, including the cataloguing, removal and disposal of large amounts of building materials including asbestos and other contaminants.

Subsoil conditions at Vale range from sand through to significant clay layers and occasional laterite. The management of acid sulphate soils and groundwater infiltration and acidity are daily tasks undertaken by RJV, along with the blending of site based topsoil with imported sand, providing a fill material that meets the strict permeability requirements of the development.

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