Swan Brewery - RJV

Swan Brewery

Swan Brewery

2014 - 2015
City of Canning, WA, Australia
Linc Property Group


Bulk Earthworks – Retaining Walls

Underground Services – Roadworks


RJV commenced Stage 1 & 2 BEW in November 2014 with completion in June 2015.  Works consisted of bulk earthworks spanning two large commercial civil stages ranging from underground services, roadworks and retaining walls.

Particular attention was given to the bulk earthworks in that a considerable amount of unexpected finds were uncovered in this post demolition site. Furthermore, asbestos was exposed and very stringent environmental requirement had to be met in the handling of both these unexpected finds and asbestos materials. At the request of the client, RJV were actively involved in the overall post demolition remediation requirements.  Large areas of fill were excavated, unexpected finds removed and then selectively backfilled. RJV played a pivotal role in the client attaining all post demolition approvals allowing the civil works to commence.

The civil component of this stage encompassed a significant amount of underground services.  In particular, the sewer installation involved substantial dewatering, handling and treatment of acid sulphate soils (ASS) together with the installation of both infiltration and sedimentation ponds. Additionally, in line ASS dosing treatment plants were installed to effectively manage the acidity of the pumped water. Stringent environmental control measures were implemented with daily compliance checks being carried out by the Environmental Engineer.

Another key component of the underground services was the substantial sewer boring being carried out very closely to existing properties adjoining the overall development area. This involved meticulous boring techniques to ensure numerous factory buildings were not compromised during the deep boring operation. Specific boring techniques were also implemented to cater for numerous other existing services located within Baile Road covering, high voltage power, optic fibre communication cables, water and gas services.

Following the successful completion of Stage 1 & 2 BEW together with RJV played an integral part in assisting the client in the overall Stage 1&2 demolition delivery, RJV were then awarded the contract to carry out the demolition and associated earthworks of the existing Bevchain facility. This involved the direct supervision of the demolition, removal of unexpected finds, exposure and disposal of both asbestos material and completion of the bulk earthworks. Works commenced in April 2015 and were successfully delivered in September 2015.

Stage 3 Civils was then awarded to RJV in September 2015. Again, this stage included underground services, roadworks and retaining walls.  Whilst on a smaller scale than Stage 1 & 2, RJV again had to deal with very deep sewer excavations, extensive dewatering, treatment of ASS material and working in close proximity to existing buildings.

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