Shorehaven - RJV



2007 - Present
Shorehaven Blvd, Alkimos WA 6038, Australia
Peet Alkimos Pty Ltd


Bulk Earthworks – Retaining walls

Underground Services – Roadworks


RJV commenced construction on the Alkimos Shorehaven development in July 2009. The development is situated on the (then recently constructed) Marmion Avenue extension, which was also carried out by RJV.

The Shorehaven Development is a coastal community project that integrates residential lots with coastal walk trails, public open spaces with native vegetation and coastal parklands. Significant consideration to local fauna and flora retention has played a large part in the RJV’s construction works. This included the retention and preservation of significant foraging areas for the Carnaby Black Cockatoo.

The site presented a number of construction challenges, which was part of the reason why RJV was chosen to carry out the work.

Significant rock excavation was carried out during both the earthworks and civil construction works, and – not uncommonly for such coastal developments – strong prevailing winds played a large part in the development of RJV’s environmental management strategy to combat airborne dust.

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