Latitude 32 Flinders Precinct - RJV

Latitude 32 Flinders Precinct

Latitude 32 Flinders Precinct

2008 - 2021
City of Kwinana, WA, Australia


Bulk Earthworks – Retaining walls

Underground Services – Roadworks


RJV have completed works in the final stage of the Latitude 32 Flinders Precinct. This work involved lowering and rebuilding of the existing McLaren Avenue and exporting 40,000m3 of material that work produced.

RJV have negotiated with Council a stages series of road closures that maintain access for heavy vehicle road users in the area as well as the adjacent Hope Valley Fire Station.

The works also involved the protection of critical existing assets such as BP oil pipelines and high voltage power assets. The awarded value of the works was $4.9m.

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