Lenore Road Realignment & Upgrade Stage 2 - RJV

Lenore Road Realignment & Upgrade Stage 2

Lenore Road Realignment & Upgrade Stage 2

2013 - 2015
City of Wanneroo, WA, Australia
City of Wanneroo


Construction of a new single carriage way roadworks of Lenore Road from East Road to High Road and the associated service asset relocations.


The Lenore Road Realignment and Upgrade involved the construction of a new single carriage way roadworks of Lenore Road from East Road to High Road and the associated service asset relocations. The works were divided into three separable portions as follows.

Separable portion 1 involved the construction of a Bypass Road to allow the relocation of both Western Power and Water Corporation assets. This was an 860m section of road which was constructed offline to the final alignment to allow works to be carried out without disrupting the flow of traffic.

Separable portion 2 involved the relocation of Western Power and Water Corporation assets and earthworks in the vicinity of the Nicholas Road intersection. Existing overhead HV power lines were removed and new lines installed underground. Construction of a new DN600 MSCL water distribution line was carried out to allow the removal of the old line which, along with the removal of the overhead power, enabled bulk earthworks to proceed in order to lower the intersection by approximately 3m to its new design levels, increasing lines of sight for traffic in all directions.

Separable portion 3 involved the online upgrades to the existing road alignment including clearing, pavement construction, drainage, shared paths, tie-ins to existing roads, landscaping and associated works. Upgrades were also completed to the intersections at East Road, Nicholas Road and Elliot Road.

RELEVANCE: The Lenore Road Realignment & Upgrade contract is a current example of RJV’s ability to complete road construction projects involving precise traffic management and a high level of planning. Originally a 66 week program at tender, upon commencing works RJV was able to identify areas where this could be reduced by carrying out a large number of operations concurrently. This involved accurate planning of operations and resources along with close monitoring of on-site activities to ensure these dates were both achievable and met. As a result of this our client benefited from an 8 week reduction in the overall duration of the project.

The large volumes of traffic encountered on Lenore Road during morning and evening peak hours also required a high level of management, with numerous Traffic Management plans utilised over the construction period to ensure the road remained open to the public at all times. RJV coordinated their works so that operations that required STOP-GO on Lenore Road were carried out during off-peak traffic hours to avoid potential delays or hazards for road users. This was carried out successfully by utilising our own Traffic Management Controllers who are fully accredited by MRWA.

Using our knowledge from previous works, RJV also approached the client over the course of the contract with design ideas for different aspects of the job which were in their benefit. An example of this would be the design proposed by RJV for the construction of the Bypass Road which resulted in a substantial saving for the client as opposed to the original tender design. RJV’s proposal also gained the client a week on the program in this case.

The project also involved interaction with a large amount of existing services. HV power, MP gas, sewer, water, gas and Telstra were all located within the work zone. The largest portion of our service relocation works involved the installation of the DN600 MSCL water distribution main. Due to the size of this water main and the nature of the inspections and tests associated with it, regular correspondence was required with Water Corporation. RJV were contractually committed to achieving a completion date of the 31stof July 2015 which was achieved and allowed the connections to be carried out mid-August during the Water Corporations shutdown period as specified in the contract.


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