Bertram Road & Duplication - RJV

Bertram Road & Duplication

Bertram Road & Duplication

City of Kwinana, WA, Australia
City of Kwinana


Construction of 2km Bertram Road & Duplication.


The 2km Bertram Road Duplication Project involved the construction of a duplicate northern carriageway for the existing Bertram Road alignment from the Kwinana Freeway to a tie-in point 300m West of Challenger Avenue intersection with Bertram Road, as well as the upgrading of road infrastructure and existing pavements on Bertram Road. RJV was required to undertake tie-in works with existing pavements and intersections connecting into the existing Bertram Road carriageway as well as the offline construction of the Bertram Road northern carriageway.

The complexity of the project was significant, owing to the need to adjust levels and cross falls of the existing carriageway in sections as well as retain as much of the existing pavement alignment as possible. A new dual-lane roundabout was built under traffic conditions with RJV also constructing a culvert extension under Bertram Road for the Peel Main Drain crossing. RJV removed and rehabilitated existing road seal and pavements from basecourse level, built up existing pavements to new levels through reconstruction of basecourse layers as well as constructed full-depth pavement installation from subgrade. The project required installation of new pit and pipe drainage and culverts for the existing and new carriageways, modificatoin and installation of full new lighting and electrical services and completion of all earthworks and road pavement construction including new sealing, asphalt, kerbing, footpath, lines, signage and roadside infrastructure.

RJV also converted all overhead electrical to underground power requiring significant liaising and coordination with Western Power. In addition, RJV liaised with MRWA regarding the tie into Mortimer Road Freeway Bridge at the freeway on ramp and completed this section under night works. RJV relocated existing bus stops and shelters requiring liaison with the PTA.

Relevance for MRWA Categories:

RJV conducted significant community consultation throughout the project’s duration. This included letter drops and signage to inform the community of the impending works, as well as attendance at community meetings. A comprehensive traffic management plan was implemented to ensure that local residents were able to utilise the road whilst maintaining safety on site. With the different sections of the works requiring differing methodologies for construction the traffic management process continually changed, from stop-go single lane restrictions, to roadside lane-narrowing, to full detours, depending on the level of management required for the project.

Access for existing residents facing Bertram Road was a consideration during all project stages, as well as the particular issues surrounding the location of the local school midway along the length project. Access was maintained during peak school-traffic hours and RJV was required to ensure normal bus services were able to continue to use portions of the existing carriageway.

RJV was able to plan and execute the works so that existing lighting at intersections was kept in place for as long as possible to minimise the need for temporary lighting towers at the intersections. The works progressed with minimal disturbance to the daily activities of local residents.

RJV’s project management team completed the works to the specifications required by the client. This involved continuous engagement with stakeholders to ensure that everyone was informed and their needs were met.

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