Awarded Stage 1 for Okeland Communities - News | RJV


Kingsford Stage 1 for Okeland Communities

13 March, 2019

On behalf of Okeland Communities, RJV commenced work in February 2019 on the brand new Kingsford development in Bullsbrook. 

Initially, construction comprises of bulk earthworks and civil works to deliver the first stage of Kingsford, along with off-site service installation and the Chittering Road upgrade works whilst working closely with both the RAAF and the Bullsbrook Fire Department to ensure key functions aren’t compromised. RJV are also working closely with representatives of the Whadjuk people, specifically around the cultural significance of the Ki-It Monger Brook and how this waterway will interact with the development. 

Kingsford is a long term project that marks the beginning of the working relationship between Okeland and RJV, and we sincerely thank Okeland Communities for the opportunity to successfully deliver Stage 1 of this exciting new development in Bullsbrook. 


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