Whiteman Edge - RJV

Whiteman Edge

Whiteman Edge

2011 - 2023
Everglades Ave, Brabham WA 6055, Australia
Stockland & Whiteman Edge Developments


Bulk Earthworks – Retaining walls

Underground Services – Roadworks


In August 2011, RJV commenced construction of the Whiteman Edge development in Henley Brook, 20km north east of Perth CBD (adjacent to Whiteman Park). When complete, the development will comprise over 1,500 residential lots and will include in excess of 22 hectares of community recreational facilities, a neighbourhood shopping centre and schools. The development is a joint venture between Stockland, Department of Housing and Whiteman Edge Developments.

Construction at the site presented a number of environmental challenges for RJV, which prides itself on its commitment to environmental management. The development area is flanked by sensitive wetlands and sits above an extremely high water table. Treatment of acid sulphate soils, strategic dewatering and close monitoring and management of groundwater infiltration are part of the day-to-day operations being undertaken by RJV at the site.

Large volumes of imported local sand have been required to bring the site up to its design levels. This has required target planning and management in consultation with local authorities to ensure that existing residents and infrastructure are not adversely affected by high volumes of truck and machine movements.

To date, RJV has completed contracts in excess of $80m since commencement.

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